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Syd in India


Syd Dawson formerly a pupil at Richmond School spent 10 days in India. She taught at Amala Children's home. This is a taster about her work there.
The school that we taught in was built for the orphanage and children from the local area also attend the school.  We taught children from the age of 4 to 16.  
We could choose what we taught the children and it varied as the younger children didn't understand much English and the older students were able to do more complex activities because they understood us better. Some of the subjects we taught were Maths, English, Science, Geography, Dance and for the younger children nursery rhymes. We would teach for a maximum of 3 hours per day.
At the end of the day we would play games with the children from the home after they had done their chores. They would teach us some of the games that they played and vice versa. 
Come and hear Syd Dawson speaking about her experiences in India at a World Mission evening in Richmond Church Hall, Saturday, 02. September, 7 pm
Starting at 7 pm with a Bring & Share meal, followed by Syd's presentation.
All welcome, come & support Syd, and bring your friends.
Offering for World Mission funds.

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