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Safeguarding Update


Carolyn Godfrey, the Regional Safeguarding Officer, has circulated the latest Regional Safeguarding Newsletter, she says "There have been a lot of changes in the last few weeks. This has included the publication of the new Policies, Procedures and Guidance and the decisions taken at Conference."
The new Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church are now available on the Methodist Church website. This mandatory document is to replace the policies and procedures from 2011 and needs to be read.

Successive Methodist Conferences (2016 & 2017) have agreed that that 'training in safeguarding be MANDATORY for ministers and all those whose work involves children and vulnerable people, and includes:
Presbyters and Deacons with an active preaching or pastoral ministry.
Anyone working with 0-18 year olds in the name of the Church.
Church Stewards and Circuit stewards.
Local Preachers and Worship Leaders
Pastoral Visitors
Those training for Worship leader or local preacher
Church and circuit safeguarding representatives
anyone working in activities targeted at adults who are vulnerable ( e.g. lunch club for the housebound)

If your role is included on the above list, and you have not yet booked your training please contact your Circuit safeguarding Officer Kathryn Stabler as soon as possible please to arrange this on
07375 813063 or
Training times and dates are as follow:
Thursday 14th September Richmond Methodist Church 1330 – 1600 and 1900 – 2130. If you cannot make this date, please contact Kathryn to discuss possible alternatives.

If you wish to discuss this further, please also contact your own Ministers, or Carolyn Godfrey -Regional safeguarding officer 07534 346374 or (020 7467 5189)

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