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North Yorkshire Dales Circuit
Walk with Jesus – Witness to Others – Worship the Lord
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The weekend of invitation

Friday 15th to Sunday 17th June, follows on from 'Thy Kingdom Come' season of Pentecost prayer and offers every church the opportunity to do something special and invite someone to it, something big or small, for young or old, for a special group or for all.

You might choose to invite people to something that's a regular part of your church activities, to a special guest event or to a guest service. The Sunday of the Weekend is Father's Day – perfect for a guest service.

You may choose just one event or a multitude with every section of the church doing something on the Friday and Saturday and a guest service on the Sunday.

The choice is yours. Let your imagination go wild and make it a weekend to remember.

To help your church make plans and prepare you can go to the website for resources and ideas.

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