Sunday 16 July
Many of you will already be aware of Germinate: The Arthur Rank Centre's Rural Mission Sunday initiative.
Rural Mission Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate the life of the rural church. We know that rural Christians can and do make a real difference to their communities. However, that is not always how it feels; we can often feel overshadowed by larger urban and suburban churches. So it's important to stop, reflect on what we do and give thanks.
Elizabeth Clark is the driving force behind Rural Mission Sunday and has this year pulled together some brilliant resources reflecting on the theme of hospitality and welcome and these can be accessed by registering for RMS at our website –
Creator God,
through whose word all things came into being, and by whose
power all is sustained: your creation renews inspires awe and
worship, strengthens us with hope and calls to us to wonder
at your mystery.
We pray that, filled with the Spirit who leads us to Christ, you
would open our eyes to see your gifts and open our hearts
that we may share them with others.
May the churches across our countryside be centres of
community, places of welcome and human warmth, and
channels of the hospitable love offered us in Jesus.
We pray this prayer in His holy name.
Rt Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
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