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Kenya Lockdown


Thank you for your continued support of our work (Friends of Kianjai) in Kenya. We have all been adapting to unusual circumstances in recent weeks and that includes the children we support in rural Meru County.
The Covid-19 cases in Kenya continue to rise and as of 11 May Kenya has reported 700 cases with 33 deaths and 251 recoveries with Nairobi and Mombasa seeing the greatest concentration of cases. Rural areas have so far seen few reported cases however the impact of the control measures that have been implemented to slow the spread of the virus has been significant.
A dawn to dusk curfew, forcefully administered by police, has been in place since 27th March and all schools, colleges and universities remain closed. Food prices have increased by at least 50% and many of the poorest find themselves trying to balance the threat of the virus with the threat of starvation.
All the above measures have had a significant impact on the support we can give our vulnerable children. At school they had been receiving morning porridge and lunch in a safe environment. With school closures many of our supported children have returned to unstable home conditions. They may have been orphaned and live with a grandparent or a peasant farmer single parent who has no opportunity to make an income due to the restrictions. Many of these homes have little or no food and the children miss meals. The number of street children in Meru Town has increased significantly and the situation there is volatile as people are moving from Isiolo and Samburu, fleeing because of the depleted food reserves caused by locust swarms and exacerbated by the lockdown.
Typically FKK support over 500 children through the school network and when schools closed in March, with the support of teachers all the April food we had previously supplied was split up and given out to families.
As we move into May we are aware that more support is needed and with support from the teachers and the local Methodist churches network, we are preparing to deliver food parcels to our most vulnerable children. Each parcel would cost around £40 and be made up to suit individual circumstances typically including maize, beans, cooking oil and soap.
Can you help us in this critical initiative? Money we would have been sending to schools will be diverted to this project, but the need is far greater than we can provide at this time. Your support could make a HUGE difference to these children and we can assure you that ALL monies you donate will directly buy these life-saving supplies.
You can donate directly into our bank :
Friends of Kianjai Kenya,
Sort code 30-90-49
Ac Number 33171360
include the words "Parcel Project"
Thank you so much!
We very much appreciate your support, whether with money or holding these children and this situation in your thoughts and prayers and will keep you up-to-date with the situation.
With Greetings and the very best wishes from your trustees
Caroline Newton , Jonathan & Elizabeth Gichaara, Sally Livsey and Gladys Gesage
Registered Charity number 1143972

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