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The Journey Begins


King's Club 2017

Have you ever been on a journey? I guess the answer is yes, but have you been on a journey like the one at King's Club this year? Let me tell you about it.

Seventy children and young people followed the theme of 'The Journey' at Askrigg for a week in August. Lively, exciting, wacky, challenging ............ these are just some of the words you might use to describe it. The two presenters at Askrigg school – Donna Wanderoff and Ida Gonthatway entered to the children clapping along to '500 miles' and were confronted with a camping scene and a signpost. Each day they tried to work out who had been camping there and then make the decision which path to follow – the Broad way or the Narrow way? The Narrow way choice meant they met with people who had journeyed with Jesus and so they could relate 'Jesus events' to the children. Alan and Steve (alias 'the sheep') continually argued about which way to go, lost their map every day but somehow were able to explain something about the people camping by the signpost! These disciples' journeys started with Jesus saying, 'follow me', saw him offering living water to a Samaritan woman, God declaring that Jesus was his beloved Son on a mountain and then ending with Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, his victorious resurrection and the witness of two men meeting him on a journey to Emmaus. The strap line by the end of the week was 'Jesus is our living forever friend'.

Morning and afternoons were packed with lots of crafts and games, most focusing on the journeys with Jesus. There was hardly a moment to spare during the day when the children could catch their breath – apart from lunch time when they were sitting in small groups talking and eating.

Stones and Pebbles presented a similar programme at Low Mill Activity Centre for the young people. Their wacky approach included jokes that I'm not sure even they understood! A similar journey seeing how Jesus related to his disciples gave good opportunity for the young people to express their interest and doubts, talk openly about their personal convictions and ask questions of their group leaders. All took part in an activity programme run by the Low Mill instructors and this included opportunity to canoe, abseil and gorge scramble. All this alongside team challenges and games. The Friday afternoon included the, now famous, waterslide and 'how to avoid getting wet by the leaders', extravaganza.

Many people came to the BBQ on the Friday – had some good food and conversation as well as seeing a little of what the week had involved. As Jess Holland alias Ida Gonthatway said, it was a privilege to work with the children and young people of Wensleydale.

We are very grateful to the school and Low Mill Centre for the use of their facilities, and to all the leaders who gave their time to work on the King's Club team.

Next year is the 30th year of King's Club. Watch out for celebrations.
The 2018 week will be Monday 6th – Friday 10th August with the BBQ on the Friday at 6pm

Mike and Pauline Hirst

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