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Harvest Celebration


The Upper Wensleydale Churches Together held their annual Harvest Celebration at Hawes Market House on Sunday evening, 17 September 2017. The service was lead by Major Richard Cushing from The Salvation Army supported by Hawes Silver Band conducted by Stan Roocroft M.B.E. The service was well attended by about 70 members of local churches of all denominations together with holiday makers and visitors to The Dale. In his message Richard observed that supermarkets are now starting to sell produce such as fruit and veg previously rejected as ugly or misshapen recognising that taste and beauty lies within. He reflected on 1 Samuel, that Samuel did not choose David for his physical appearance or stature but for his hidden qualities and Isaiah 53, that Isaiah prophesised a Messiah that would have no beauty that we would desire him but would be given to us by God. Likewise we are not judged by God on our outward appearance and we are never rejected by God.
The worship included five hymns of a harvest theme; All Creatures of Our God and King, Come You Thankful People Come, We Plough The Fields and Scatter, Praise and Thanksgiving Father We Offer and To God Be The Glory. With the band at full volume and those attending in fine voice the doors to the hall were left open for the joyous sound of worship to fill the Market Place and streets beyond.
The retiring collection raised £180 that has been donated for the work of The Salvation Army. A big thank you to Major Cushing who travelled from Nottingham to lead the service and to Stan Roocroft and Hawes Silver Band who, aside from the musical introduction and finale, blasted out a total 20 verses and six choruses.
Our picture shows the band in action at the event last year.

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