Rev Melanie invites you to join the Easter Parade.
Everyone! Young, old, in-between, Methodist, non-Methodist, church member, non-church member, everyone please join me in a virtual Easter Parade.
I am calling upon you to rise to the challenge, look around your houses and your gardens and see what you can create with an Easter theme. Easter bonnets and hats, Easter cards and pictures, Easter gardens, Easter cakes, anything at all with an Easter theme, but it must be your own work please. Get your creative juices flowing and start creating your own special Easter themed item.
Once you have made it, take a photo of it and send it in to the following email address;
We will then put up your photos onto the website creating a virtual Easter Parade.
Please only take photos of the item you have made, we do not need photos of you; and if you are under 18 years of age please check with an adult first.
I wonder how big we can make the parade? Let's get busy and start celebrating the wonder of Easter, a time of hope, joy and new life!
If you know someone who would love to do this but does not have access to the internet, please telephone them and encourage them to take part all the same. Perhaps they could place what they have created in a window for those on their daily walks to see or place a mini Easter garden on their doorstep.
So, take a good look around your house, what things have you got hidden away in cupboards and drawers that you can use to make something that reflects the wonder of the Easter season?
Not creative at all? You can still take part, what about pictures of daffodils waving in the breeze, birds on a feeder, or lambs playing in the fields, there are so many reminders all around us of the Easter season. Do ensure these pictures are ones that you have taken, please do not infringe any copyright rules.
We will run this Virtual Easter Parade throughout the entire month of April.
Check in regularly to the website and see how many pictures are in the parade.
Get in touch using the details below, alternatively click the button to use our quick contact form.
01969 623818