The Great Methodist Bake Off
It was 'Blooming Marvellous' at the Richmond Methodist Spring Fair on Monday 29th May.
The organisers were pleased with the Fair and commented that it was "a great success." Toby the tortoise came for 'Guess the weight of the Tortoise'. Eunice Page's Home Missions Group ran an old fashioned sweet stall. Norma Nevin sold some lovely handbags. There were cakes and a bran tub and lots of handmade gifts.
Moira White was the winner of the 'Great Methodist Bake Off' which was judged by our local 'celebrity' Rev Les Nevin.
The fair raised £510 and donations have gone to Bunny Burrows Rabbit Rescue and Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team and the remainder has bolstered church funds.
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