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Up Britain in nine days


I am old enough to know better than to sign up for the 'Deloitte Ride Across Britain' in September this year, cycling 980 miles in 9 days. That said, it is all in a good cause; the Motor Neurone Disease Association, for whom I'm aiming to raise £2019.
A good friend of mine, Trevor, has been diagnosed with MND, a degenerative disease whereby the brain functions but it's ability to control and move the body diminishes day by day.
The MNDA enable people to live with MND rather than 'suffer from' or 'die from'; they support people such as Trevor to make the most of their diminishing abilities. They help the whole family providing advice on paperwork, care options and provide gadgets to help with everyday tasks that might be taken for granted.
I have always wanted to do a long-distance cycle challenge for charity and the Deloitte Ride Across Britain is just the sort of thing I wanted.... Well, if I'm honest it's a bit longer than I wanted. Going those extra miles to raise funds for MNDA is my way of doing something to fight this disease.
The cause(s) of MND is not known nor greatly understood and research needs to continue to find a cure. £2000 could fund MRI scans for five study participants and help researchers better understand the disease.
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