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Talking God


I know many of you have a heart to grow your chapel in terms of numbers and strength. There are three publications you may be interested in to help you with this. Like buses, having missed one you wait a while and then two come along at the same time. They are all published by the Methodist Church and just for the record I'm not on commission!
So, last year we had 'Talking of God Together'; and then more recently 'Talking of God with Others' and 'Our Church's Future Story'.
Both of the 'Talking of God...' books are suitable for use in a variety of contexts; such as House Groups, Local Arrangement Services, Lent or Advent groups and café style worship. They are both set up in easy to use sessions that need only a little preparation.
The 'Talking of God Together' helps us to talk of our faith to fellow Christians and was used for Lent groups last year by Christian's Together in Swaledale; we're still talking to each other so it can't have been too bad!
'Talking of God with Others' is the next step; it's sessions are designed to give us confidence in our faith stories, so we become more confident in talking naturally about our faith to those we meet in our everyday lives.
'Our Church's Future Story' is described as a resource to help churches plan for the continuation of their mission. This is more of a toolkit; as a church 18 cards are available to help you to plan how you want to respond to 'Our calling' including how to manage difficult conversations and work out how to grow your church in numbers and strength.
There are DVD's, course guideline books and group packages available, yes, they cost and in my view they are great value; especially if you can catch the publishers on a free post and packing day.

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