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Rock around the Rock


The Summerfest is underway at the Scargill Movement in Wharfedale. This year they are looking at the Apostle Peter of whom many tales are told in the New Testament and he himself is generally accredited with writing one of the letters.

The 'Across in the Woods' team were invited to run an afternoon session, we were 'up against' the water slide; which is all swimsuits and fairy liquid (other brands are available) on a hot afternoon. We attracted mostly young and more mature adults who took part in a 'treasure hunt' that took them around the steep paths on hillside above the centre.

The hunt had a hint of 'forest stuff' and quite a bit to do with Peter; we're running the same event in a couple of weeks time so I can't say too much at this moment.

What I can say is that Peter's story is inspiring and if you want to pep up your spiritual life then read it through from when he was called to be a disciple, when he walked (briefly) on water, when he denied knowing Jesus and eventually when he died a martyr's death in Rome around the time of Nero.

If you are interested in what we are doing and want to dip your foot in the water please contact us and we may be able to run this for your group.

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