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Walk with Jesus – Witness to Others – Worship the Lord
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No service...No worry


With Services and meetings cancelled for the time being we are being encouraged to worship in our own homes. There are plenty of options available to help you if you prefer not to DIY.
One simple thing Rev Les Nevin suggests is that you might consider setting some kind of alarm eg on your phone, clock, iPad, watch... for 6.00pm each evening as a signal for us all to pray the Lord's Prayer. It is one simple thing that all of us can do simultaneously and give us a sense of being together in prayer while we are kept apart by the current situation.
The Methodist Church and other churches are all making service sheets available for this time; as are independent organisations such as 'Roots' and 'The Worship Cloud'. These are generally available through their websites. The fact that you are reading this 'on-line' would suggest that you have access to these sites.
Remember though that there are many books around upon which you can base an act of worship. Naturally the Bible springs to mind; you could take a passage from the Psalms or Gospels; you could study that book in the Bible you have always promised yourself 'when you have the time'.
Then we have our hymn books, why not take a hymn and see what it says about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit?
Why not dig out an (auto)biography of a person of faith and see what can be learnt from their story?
This is a time to make an opportunity to explore different ways of doing church, we may not be able to meet in our chapels but we are still the church, a body of people who Walk with Jesus, Witness to others and Worship the Lord.
Rev Nel Shallow, Grantham & Vale of Belvoir Circuit has put together some ideas, resources and suggestions on how to worship and how to be church at a time of 'distant socialising'. You can download the Worship Ideas PDF from our home page.
Stay in touch with God and with each other and stay safe.

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